At Purple Nest Design, we believe in making the world a better place by creating exquisitely designed, one-of-kind home décor items from around the globe. We don’t just sell home décor items, we work with our artisans to ensure that we are bringing you handcrafted pieces that let your home tell a story.  In making homes more beautiful, our world can be made more vibrant through ensuring artisans are provided fair wages for their work creating unique home decor pieces. 

Through our travels, we connect with artisans and re-imagine their craft in a way that fits into the modern American home. The world is an exquisite mosaic of culture, traditions, and design and we want to bring that refined aesthetic into your home so you can surround yourself with artful pieces as beautifully unique as you.

Supporting our artisans is at the core of what we do. We are a socially responsible business that gives back by providing fair wages to artisans to ensure their craft is preserved. By connecting our artisans to you, we can all share in helping artisan families provide for themselves and their children. We are dedicated to helping our artisan community thrive through improving income, access, and resources. It’s more than just helping artisans through purchasing handcrafted pieces, we believe in giving back to whole communities. At Purple Nest Design, we give 5% of our profits to projects in global communities where our artisans live.

Our work

Design Process

Design Process

Each work of art that Purple Nest Design displays is truly a unique gift. No two items are exactly alike because artisans create each item by hand for you. 

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For every purchase you make through Purple Next Design, we give 5% back of our profits to the communities that make our artful pieces. We believe that beautiful things can equal beautiful deeds.

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Social Impact

Social Impact

When people thrive through crafting their art, Purple Nest believes that whole communities can be transformed. Not only do local art traditions persist that are sometimes in danger of disappearing, but artisans are able to earn a good living and provide for their families.

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Fair Pay for artisans

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A Dream 20 Years in the Making